A bit of flowering springtime for all of us. This is an iris (of some sort) that is blooming in our front yard. We planted a few of these a couple years ago next to the house and this is the first time they have bloomed. It sends up a long stem that has a bloom at a time for 6 or 7 total.
I find myself measuring what is important to me the last few day. I mean REALLY measuring. Am I doing something because it brings joy and meaning or because I have always done it. If I spend my life pursuing my dreams and goals where does that lead me and what have I given to the world? Is it important to give to the world, or give back? If I create or live a bucket list what is the measurement of success of the completion and is that important? Is measurement important? Is it important to leave a legacy? What is a legacy? What is important? In other words, to quote Monty Python, What is the meaning of life?
Many people gave me designs that had hearts inside of hearts creating multiple layers. This one is for them. The inside is a button. I trimmed the button connect point as it poked out and would have lifted the button to high. Then I used peyote stitch to create a caboch cap to hold the top into place.
Our garden is planted for the upcoming season. I tweak a bit now and then as I squeeze in a few more plants, or realize that those seeds didn't germinate (lettuce). I have more flowers in there than the past, in hopes of having some color during the peak hot season when nothing else produces. I do have lots of volunteer tomatoes and a pumpkin volunteer that came up because I used the compost from our bin for the first time this year. We are still harvesting radishes and carrots that wintered over, yummy.
Here is Ben's design using Live and Learn 2008 colors. This was done with silver lined purple beads and clear gold-tint beads with silver block letters. I have to say it was the hardest one I have done in terms of leaving spaces open for the letters to sit in. I ended up filling the space with another color and short thread, and then pulling them out. I think I am just not that linear a thinker, LOL.