I ate the eggplant from my garden. It was the only thing left from the summer growing experience that didn't get eaten by somebunny. It was delicious in my fried rice (the eggplant, not the bunny - I don't want to even know what bunny tastes like). I sprinkled some rabbit repellant around the base of the raised bed and planted new tomato and pepper plants. Things seem to be growing well, or at least recovering.
I saved my favorite shower curtain. I noticed that after a few years of use the world map plastic curtain had finally ripped out one of the holes. So I picked up some grommets at the fabric store today, made a new hole and reinforced it along with all the rest. The curtain lives on and our map continues to inform us.
We got virtually no rain from Tropical Storm Fay (unlike Katherine whose city received about 16"). Perhaps tomorrow we'll get something from one of the outer bands as Fay continues her slow traverse. Otherwise I am going to have to contemplate filling our pool a few inches. How can water evaporate when it feels like I am swimming in humidity?
Finally, thank you to my walker friends. I know it is non-traditional to get an early morning phone call from me and proceed to "walk" with me while we get caught up. You make getting up and walking that much easier!
Hi Wendy--I tagged you for a meme. You can see it at this page.
How's the beading going?
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