The story of our new raised bed starts with a spinning wheel...
When I brought it home and began to spin I decided I wanted to go to the Florida Fiber-In to learn more. I made my hotel reservations, and put it on my calendar: September 21-23... not my birthday, we were not out of town, seemed to perfectly fit.
Then life happened. Kirk became unemployed the last of July. As we work toward becoming self employed (that is a whole 'nother story), we are finding ways to accomplish what we want to do, and not spend much. As gas prices rise and food becomes more expensive for all the calamities of the seasons, I decided that I would really rather spend funds on more growing room instead of a vacation away from my guys.
We searched for leftover patio pavers on Craigslist and the Restore. No luck. Then realized we had enough 24 inch pavers to make a 48x72 inch garden. Decent size. Kirk brought home a couple 2x4s of wood which we sealed and combined with some leftover trex, built frames using the leftover bits from a Lee Valley Hardware kit purchased previously for the last raised bed. We used angle iron to fill in the pieces we were missing.
Yep, that's me, reading the downloaded instructions in iBook... and can you see the pavers in the background behind me? Wacky because we levered out the big ones and made a path for the moment with the "smaller" ones.
Together and Empty and needing a good cleaning
And here it is together, magically filled with dirt and with the wing of the "smaller" pavers to make a path around the edge for easy access and harvesting.
So what happened to the space we took the pavers from? Leftovers from the front sidewalk job...
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